ऑनलाइन ऋण पोर्टफोलियो खरीदें और बेचें

How to use types of auctions to get the most out of a debt sale?

तथ्य की जाँच
समय पढ़ें:

इस पाठ की सटीकता और विश्वसनीयता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए गहन तथ्य-जांच की गई है। प्रस्तुत सभी जानकारी सत्यापित स्रोतों और प्रतिष्ठित डेटा द्वारा समर्थित है। कड़े तथ्य-जांच मानकों का पालन करके, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको विश्वसनीय और भरोसेमंद सामग्री प्रदान करना है। आप आत्मविश्वास के साथ सूचित निर्णय लेने के लिए यहाँ प्रस्तुत जानकारी पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं।

चाबी छीनना:
Different types of auctions, such as English auctions, Dutch auctions, and sealed-bid auctions, are used depending on the desired outcome. For instance, English auctions are widely used for competitive bidding on unique items, while Dutch auctions are effective for selling multiple identical items, and sealed-bid auctions are often employed in situations requiring confidentiality in bid submissions. The choice of auction type should align with the specific goals and characteristics of what is being sold.

Hi, my name is Thomas Edwards. I am Marketing Director at Debexpert. Last time, I discussed why we believe an auction is the best way to sell delinquent debt portfolios. Today, I will talk about the types of auctions and how to use them to get the most out of a debt sale.

English auction for debt selling

The most popular auction in the world is the English auction. This is an auction with classical mechanics that we all know very well. The English auction is when the seller sets the initial price of a pool and the buyers bid, thus raising this price. As you know, anything can be auctioned — art, luxury cars, or, as in our case, debt portfolios. The highest bid wins. It’s straightforward. The English auction is also known as an open-outcry auction. Sometimes, the bidders are not very active, and the closing price is not that different from the initial one. In this case, the debt seller can cancel the auction or move it to another day. Usually, the English auction lasts no more than an hour, which is enough time for everyone interested in the debt portfolio.

Dutch auction for debt selling

The English auction is very prevalent. However, there are other mechanics for debt selling, such as the Dutch auction, in which everything works the other way around. At the beginning of the bidding, the debt sellers announce the desired price for which they are willing to sell their debt portfolio right away. As a rule, this is a reasonably high price. During the auction, the price decreases until one buyer makes a bid. At this point, the auction is over. This type of auction is also known as a descending price auction. It is quite a gambling mechanic, which takes a lot of perseverance, and you need to have nerves of steel. This type of auction is used when debt is in high demand and many companies that buy debt want to purchase it. The duration of such an auction can be anything from a few seconds to several days.

Sealed-bid debt auction for debt selling

The third type of auction used when selling debt is a sealed-bid auction. In this type of auction, all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows any other bids. The highest bidder pays the offered price. As you have already noticed, a sealed-bid auction is based on the English auction; the only difference is that the bids are not public. Simply put, if a bidder bids too low, most likely, they won’t get the portfolio. Sealed-bid auction is used for debt sales when there are several buyers for a debt portfolio. 

But that’s not all.

Hybrid debt auction for debt selling

Our debt marketplace also offers a hybrid auction. This is an advanced version of the classic auction. Usually, only the buyers are active during an auction, while the debt seller is invisible. In a hybrid auction, both parties are engaged. Buyers can ask the lender any questions to justify their price. The lender, in turn, can also explain their price. Not all sellers want to participate in debt selling, but some like to prove their case. The more persuasive the lender, the higher the closing price will be. Hybrid auctions can last for a week or even longer.

What type of auction should I choose when selling a debt portfolio? This question can only be answered after analyzing a masked file. In most cases, the English auction will get you the highest market price. However, there are situations in which other types of auctions work better. Sometimes, a portfolio is sold in two rounds. For example, the first round is a sealed-bid auction, and the second round is the English auction. There are a lot of ways to do this. That’s all for today. This is Thomas Edwards of Debexpert signing off. Stay tuned.

Contact our team, and we'll guide you to the best auction type for your business for free!

How to use different types of auctions? | Debexpert
द्वारा लिखित
हेनरी अरोड़ा
व्यवसाय विकास प्रमुख

फिनटेक/ग्राहक सेवा/ऋण वसूली उद्योग में काम करने का सिद्ध अनुभव रखने वाले अनुभवी प्रबंधक। प्रबंधन, ऋण वसूली बिक्री, नेतृत्व, टीम प्रबंधन और सार्वजनिक भाषण में कुशल। मधुरई कामराज विश्वविद्यालय से स्नातक की उपाधि प्राप्त मजबूत संचालन पेशेवर।

  • फिनटेक/ग्राहक सेवा विशेषज्ञ
  • सार्वजनिक रूप से बोलना
  • ऋण वसूली विशेषज्ञ

सामान्य प्रश्न


क्या आप अपना ऋण बेच सकते हैं?

ऋण को ऋण के आरंभकर्ता या शीर्षक धारक द्वारा बेचा जा सकता है। उधारकर्ता अपने ऋण को हस्तांतरित या बेच नहीं सकता है।

क्या आप लोगों का ऋण खरीद सकते हैं?

सभी राज्यों में ऋण खरीदने और बेचने की अनुमति है, हालांकि कुछ राज्यों में ऋण खरीदने के लिए लाइसेंस की आवश्यकता होती है।

आप ऋण खरीदकर पैसा कैसे कमाते हैं?

आम तौर पर गैर-निष्पादित ऋण को अंकित मूल्य पर महत्वपूर्ण छूट के साथ बेचा जाता है। ऋण का खरीदार उससे अधिक पाने की उम्मीद करता है, जितना उसने इसके लिए भुगतान किया था। वसूली किसी तीसरे पक्ष की संग्रह एजेंसी या वकील को नियुक्त करके की जाती है।

हम कौन सा ऋण बेच रहे हैं?

हम कार, रियल एस्टेट, उपभोक्ता और क्रेडिट कार्ड ऋण में विशेषज्ञ हैं। हम किसी भी तरह का ऋण बेच सकते हैं।

बिक्री के लिए अन्य ऋण पोर्टफोलियो

क्या आप ऋण पोर्टफोलियो खरीदने या बेचने में रुचि रखते हैं?
आइए जुड़ें! यह फ़ॉर्म भरें 👇